Use OpenType features
Before you start
Who can use this feature
Users on any team or plan can use OpenType features.
Users with can edit access to a Figma design file can apply and adjust OpenType features to text.
OpenType can refer to a format or a set of features or functions available in a font. In this article, we're referring to OpenType features.
Figma supports OpenType features across all fonts. Not all fonts support the same OpenType features.
Typeface creators have full control over which OpenType features they support. They could be popular features - like kerning, case, or numerical figures. Or, custom features like alternative characters or glyphs, and stylistic alternatives.
OpenType features vary between fonts, so we won't post a list of possible features.
Instead, we'll show you how to use the Type details panel. This will allow you to explore and interpret a font's available OpenType features.
Tip Learn more about OpenType and Figma in our blog post: An Ode to OpenType
Explore OpenType features from the Type Details panel.
- We display any OpenType features that the font supports below the Numbers setting.
- We will grey out the OpenType feature if a font does not support it.
- Hover over a feature's button to view a preview of the feature.
Letterforms include:
- Ligatures
- Rare Ligatures
- Contextual Alternates
- Ordinals
Stylistic Sets ssxx
Stylistic sets vary greatly - in name and availability - between fonts. A font can support up to 20 stylistic sets. Some examples include:
- Stylistic Alternates
- Alternate Digits
- Disambiguation
- Lower case R curves into rounded neighbors
Character Variants cvxx
Character variants vary greatly - in name and availability - between fonts. These are at the discretion of the typeface creator. They could include the following types of variations:
- Open Four
- Closed lower case G
- Closed lower case A
Horizontal Spacing
Use horizontal spacing, like kerning and kerning pairs, to change the spacing between characters.
More features
More features can include fraction denominators, numerators, and more.