Flattening objects
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Who can use this feature
Available on any plan
Anyone with can edit
access to a file can flatten objects
Flattening an object merges its layers into a single vector layer, simplifying the design, reducing the file size, and improving asset compatibility.
You can flatten a selection of vector layers to merge them into a complex vector path or flatten a text layer to customize aspects of a typeface for logos or wordmarks. Flattening a container layer, like frames or sections, will merge its child layers together and remove the container layer from the canvas.
Unlike boolean operations, flattening is a destructive action. Once an object is flattened, its individual layers cannot be separated again. If you flatten something by mistake, you can use the file’s version history to restore a previous version or use the undo shortcut:
- Mac: Command Z
- Windows: Control Z
Flatten an object
To flatten a selection of objects, right-click on it and select Flatten or use the keyboard shortcut:
- Mac: Option Shift F
- Windows: Alt Shift F