View and export activity logs
Who can use this feature
Available on the Organization and Enterprise plans
Only organization admins can view activity logs
Activity logs provide a record of how members and guests interact with organization files and resources.
- See when people access, copy, and share files.
- Track any changes made to team administration and settings.
- Track any changes made to team, project and file permissions.
- View actions taken by specific members.
- Track changes made by organization admin to organization-level settings.
- Identify and prevent misuse of any organization resources.
Monitor security at scale with the Activity Logs API. On the Enterprise plan, organization admins can use the Activity Logs API to protect their organization’s creative work. Use this API to identify anomalous events faster, build an internal application, and create security rules.
View activity logs
Access activity logs in the Activity tab of the organization's Admin.
- From the file browser, click Admin in the left sidebar.
- Click Activity in the left sidebar.
- Use the fields to filter results by your desired criteria. Choose from:
- Member: Enter an email address to view any events related to that person. These can be actions they have taken, or actions taken by someone else that apply to them.
- Date: Enter a start and end date to see results for a specific date range.
- Events: Select a specific type of event. Explore tracked events ↓
- Team: Select a team to view activity within that specific team.
Note: Admins can also view recent activity for a specific member or guest in the People tab. If they click to see more activity, Figma will open the Activity tab with that person's email address already populated.
Activity log events
The activity log begins tracking events as soon as you've upgraded to the Organization or Enterprise plans.
Note: Activity logs don't track events on Starter or Professional teams and cannot be retroactively applied after upgrading to an Organization or Enterprise plan.
For every event in the activity log, you'll see:
- The type of event that took place.
- The team member's name and email address. This could be the person that took the action, or the person the event applies to.
- Date and time the event occurred. All times are shown in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- Product the event relates to, if applicable.
- The Team the event relates to, if applicable.
- IP address of the related team member.
Note: It's not possible to review activity logs for individual members after they have been removed from an organization.
- Members signed in or signed out
Note: Figma doesn't record login events for guests of the organization. Figma also doesn't track when a member closes a browser window or exits Figma without logging out.
- Created a file
- Duplicated a file
- Exported a file
- File link access changed
- Viewer permissions changed
- File membership changed
- Moved a file
- Permanently deleted a file
- Restored a file
- Renamed a file
- Saved a file
- Trashed a file
- Viewed a file
- Viewed a prototype
- Created a branch
- Merged a branch
- Updated a branch
- Archived a branch
- Unarchived a branch
- Deleted a branch
- Created a project
- Deleted a project
- Project membership changed
- Moved a project
- Renamed a project
- Change the team access of a project
- Created a team
- Deleted a team
- Restored a team
- Team membership changed
- Renamed a team
- Changed the org access of a team
- Changed the workspace of a team
- Org merged
- Org membership changed
- Upgrade requests and activity
- Org role changed
- Exported the members list
- Requested to join the org
- Org join request approved
- Org invite created
- SCIM token generated
- SCIM token revoked
- Auto-approval settings changed
- Seat renewals
Seat changes
- Changed default seat type
- Org seat type changed
- Upgrade requests and activity
External access
- Changed guest invite setting
- Changed open sessions setting
- Changed public link setting
- Added workspace admins
- Removed workspace admins
- Created a workspace
- Changed the visibility of a workspace
- Deleted a workspace
- Renamed a workspace
- Changed a user’s workspace
- User selected their own workspace
- File published, updated, or deleted
- Plugin published, updated, or deleted
Events related to login and authentication:
- Signed in with email and password
- Signed in with Google
- Signed in with SAML
- Signed out
SCIM provisioning
- User is provisioned to the organization
- User is deprovisioned from the organization
- User’s profile is updated, including name, email address, or title
- User’s seat type is changed (Enterprise plan only)
Note: SCIM events are recorded with the label ‘Identity provider’ in the Team Member column of the Activity table. To view all recent SCIM events, click Get CSV and manually filter the exported data by ‘Identity provider’.
Private plugins
- Plugin published
- Plugin updated
- Plugin deleted
Plugin management
- Plugin approve list setting changed
- Widget approve list setting changed
- Install plugin or widget org-wide
- Plugin or widget requested
- Plugin or widget request approved or declined
- User joined audio call
- Personal access token created
- Personal access token deleted
- App connected
- App disconnected
Export the activity log to CSV
You can export a copy of your activity log to CSV. This is a great option if you want to explore the data in a spreadsheet or other tool.
The export will include all events within the date range you select, and will ignore other filters you may have applied on the Activity page. To request an export:
- If required, click the Last 30 days filter and select a different time period, or select Custom to enter your own start and end dates.
- Click Get CSV in the top-right corner of the screen.
- Figma will email you the activity log in CSV format.
Library Analytics API
The Library Analytics API is another method you can use to filter, explore, and export your data for use in other tools. The Library Analytics API is part of the Figma REST API and provides two endpoints that can be used to get different types of data from your library analytics:
- Actions data contains time series data about what actions your users have performed with your library on a week-by-week basis. Actions data includes inserts and detaches. You can use this to identify trends. Action data can be broken down by used component or using team.
- Usages data contains summary information about how many instances of a library's components exist across all files. You can think of this as a snapshot, or census, of where your library and its components are being used. Usage data can be broken down by used component or using file/team.
To learn more about using the Library Analytics API, check out the Figma REST API documentation.