Manage billing groups in an organization
Who can use this feature
Available on the Enterprise plan
Billing groups let you sort people in your organization according to internal budget sources. Each billing group has billing group admins, who can:
- Assign or unassign users from the group
- Manage upgrade requests
- Move people between free and paid seats
- Confirm the number of paid seats in the group during the true-up period
Tip: What's the difference between billing groups and workspaces? Billing groups are for accounting and organizing people by cost center. Workspaces are for collaboration and organizing work by departments, product areas, or other categories.
Who can manage billing groups?
Only organization admins and billing group admins can manage billing groups.
- Organization admins can create billing groups and assign billing group admins to each group. They can manage every billing group in the organization.
- Billing group admins manage seats in billing groups where they are an admin.
Note: With the launch of billing groups, workspace admins don't review paid seats during true-up periods any more. However, someone can be both a workspace admin and a billing group admin. Learn more about the different types of admins in Figma →
Tip: You don't need to pay for someone to be a billing group admin. Admins who don't work in Figma can use a free, viewer-restricted seat.
Billing group settings and permissions
Action | Billing group admin | Organization admin |
View billing groups in the organization | Can view billing groups they manage | ✓ |
Add or remove people from a billing group | Billing groups they manage | ✓ |
Change people’s paid status | Billing groups they manage | ✓ |
Confirm paid seats during a true-up | Billing groups they manage | ✓ |
Add or remove a billing group admin | X | ✓ |
Create a billing group | X | ✓ |
Rename a billing group | X | ✓ |
Delete a billing group | X | ✓ |
Note: If your organization used workspaces before billing groups launched, we’ve automatically created billing groups for you. Your billing groups have the same names, admins, and members as your current workspaces. From here, you can modify each billing group to best match your organization’s needs.
You’re not required to use billing groups, and can delete them at any time.
View billing groups in the organization
Billing group admins can only view billing groups they manage.
- From the file browser, click Admin.
- Select the relevant billing group in the sidebar.
Organization admins can view all billing groups in the organization.
- From the file browser, click Admin.
- Select the Billing tab.
- Select the Billing Groups tab.
Add or remove people from a billing group
People can only belong to one billing group at a time. When someone isn’t part of a billing group, they have the Unassigned label. Any organization admin or billing group admin can move someone who is unassigned into a billing group. You can also remove people from a billing group at any time by unassigning them.
Note: Organization admins receive upgrade notifications and requests for anyone with the Unassigned label. When a person is moved to a billing group, the billing group admins in that group become responsible for managing that person’s paid status.
To move someone between billing groups, you’ll need to be an organization admin or a billing group admin in both groups.
Note: Guests are automatically added to the billing group of the person who invited them. If the person who invited them isn’t assigned to a billing group, the guest is also Unassigned.
- From the file browser, click Admin.
- Select the relevant billing group in the sidebar.
- To assign someone, click Add members and search for the person you'd like to add.
- To unassign someone, search in the table for the person you’d like to unassign. In the Billing group column, click the dropdown menu to change their billing group.
- From the file browser, click Admin.
- Select the People tab.
- Search for the person you’d like to manage.
- In the Billing group column, click the dropdown menu to change their billing group.
Tip: You can manage people in bulk by hovering over each name and marking the checkbox that appears. Once you’ve selected multiple people, click Change billing group at the bottom of the screen.
Change people’s paid status
Billing group admins and organization admins can manage members’ paid status at any time. This includes:
- Approving or denying upgrade requests from people with a free viewer-restricted seat
- Switching people between free seats and paid seats
Confirm paid seats during a true-up
New paid seats can be added to your organization during your billing period, but won’t be charged until an organization admin locks in the invoice during the true-up period. Here’s how a true-up works using billing groups:
- During the two-week period before Figma issues your true-up invoice, billing group admins and organization admins can review and adjust the number of paid seats in each billing group.
- Once someone reviews a billing group, they can mark it as reviewed. This is an optional step, and helps organization admins see which billing groups have been checked.
- An organization admin locks in the invoice amount.
Learn more about managing true-ups and billing on the Organization and Enterprise plans →
Add or remove a billing group admin
An organization admin can add or remove billing group admins from any group. It’s possible to make someone an admin of more than one billing group.
- From the file browser, click Admin.
- Select the Billing tab.
- Select the Billing Groups tab.
- Find the billing group you'd like to manage, and click the three dot menu.
- Click Edit details.
- Add or remove the name of the person you'd like to add/remove as a billing admin.
- Click Save changes.
Tip: If you’d like someone to be a billing group admin who isn’t in your Figma organization yet, you’ll need to invite them first. If they don’t need to use Figma, make sure they have a viewer-restricted seat.
Create a billing group
After you create a billing group, you can add people to it.
- From the file browser, click Admin.
- Select the Billing tab.
- Click Billing groups.
- Click Billing group.
- Give the billing group a name and add people from your organization as admins.
Rename a billing group
- From the file browser, click Admin.
- Select the Billing tab.
- Select the Billing Groups tab.
- Find the billing group you’d like to manage, and click the three dot menu.
- Click Edit details.
- Update the name of the billing group and click Save changes.
Delete a billing group
Deleting a billing group will move all members of the billing group to Unassigned. An organization or billing group admin can re-assign these members.
- From the file browser, click Admin.
- Select the Billing tab.
- Select the Billing Groups tab.
- Find the billing group you’d like to manage and click the three dot menu.
- Click Delete.
Tip: You can delete multiple billing groups at once by hovering over the name of each group and marking the checkbox that appears. Once you've selected multiple groups, click Delete billing groups at the bottom of the screen.