Launch billing groups in an organization
Billing groups let you sort people in your organization according to internal budget sources. Each billing group has billing group admins who manage free and paid seats in the group.
Tip: What's the difference between billing groups and workspaces? Billing groups are for accounting and organizing people by cost center. Workspaces are for collaboration and organizing work by departments, product areas, or other categories. Learn more about the differences →
Prepare to launch billing groups at your company
As an organization admin, you can set up billing groups to match your organization’s accounting needs.
Note: If your organization used workspaces before billing groups launched, we've automatically created billing groups for you. Your billing groups have the same names, admins, and members as your current workspaces. From here, you can modify each billing group and workspace to best match your organization's needs.
- Plan a billing group structure for your organization
- Identify billing group admins and let them know what to expect
- Decide how to assign users to billing groups
- Create billing groups and assign admins
1. Plan a billing group structure for your organization
We recommend planning out your billing group structure in advance. If you have an existing cost center structure at your company, that’s likely a good place to start.
Billing groups aren’t synced to other data sources at this time, so don’t worry too much about getting everything perfect. It’s quite easy to [add, delete, or rename your billing groups] as you go.
2. Identify billing group admins and let them know what to expect
Tip: You don't need to pay for someone to be a billing group admin. Admins who don't work in Figma can use a free, viewer-restricted seat.
Organization admins can manage every billing group in the organization, while billing group admins only manage seats in billing groups where they are an admin. Billing group admins can:
- Assign or unassign users from the group
- Manage upgrade requests for people in their group
- Move people between free and paid seats
- Confirm the number of paid seats in the group during the true-up period
Tip: A person can take on multiple admin roles in Figma. For example, someone can be both a billing group admin and a workspace admin and manage multiple billing groups and workspaces.
Aside from managing new upgrade requests, one of the ongoing responsibilities of a billing group admin is upgrading or downgrading seats during a billing true-up. Here’s how a true-up works using billing groups:
- New paid seats can be added to your organization during your billing period.
- During the two-week period before Figma issues your true-up invoice, Figma notifies billing group admins and organization admins and asks them to review and adjust the number of paid seats in each billing group.
- Once someone reviews a billing group, they can mark it as reviewed. This is an optional step, and helps organization admins see which billing groups have been checked.
- An organization admin locks in the invoice amount for the whole Figma organization. Organization admins can make any adjustments before and during the true-up, including overriding changes made by billing group admins.
Learn more about managing true-ups and billing on the Organization and Enterprise plans →
3. Decide who will assign users to billing groups
When users aren’t part of a billing group, they have the Unassigned label. Any organization or billing group admin can move someone from Unassigned into a billing group. You can also remove someone from a billing group at any time by changing them to Unassigned.
Note: Organization admins receive upgrade notifications and requests for anyone who is Unassigned. When a person is assigned to a billing group, the billing group admins in that group become responsible for managing that person's paid status.
There are two main ways to approach assigning users to billing groups:
- Organization admins can assign users in bulk from the Members table in Admin. While it’s currently not possible to sort people into billing groups using SCIM, you can pass cost center information from SCIM into the Members table, sort the table by cost center, and bulk assign users into a billing group from there.
- Billing group admins can assign any person with the Unassigned label to a billing group they manage.
Note: Workspaces and billing groups are separate entities. People in different workspaces can be part of the same billing group.
4. Create billing groups and assign admins
Once you’ve planned your billing group structure, identified admins, and decided who will assign users to their groups, you’re ready to go. You can get started by creating your billing groups and assigning billing group admins.