Manage your account
Change your preferences
- Change your language preference
- Open links in the desktop app
- Change Figma's language using Google Chrome
- Adjust the scale of the Figma UI
- Select keyboard layout
- See all 10 articles
Manage your account settings
Manage files and projects
Files and projects
- Guide to collaborating with clients in Figma
- Guide to files and projects
- Create a new file
- Create a new project
- Move a file
- See all 14 articles
Sharing and permissions
- Guide to sharing and permissions
- Embed files and prototypes
- Interact with embeds
- Team permissions
- Admins in Figma
- See all 20 articles
Using the file browser
Manage seats
- Manage seats in Figma
- Set default seat types
- Approve or decline seat upgrade requests
- Request an upgrade to a paid seat
- Manage seats via SCIM
- See all 7 articles
Manage your Figma plan
- Get notified when people upgrade to a paid seat
- Upgrade to a paid plan
- Manage billing on the Professional plan
- Manage billing on the Organization and Enterprise plans
- Update payment and invoice details
- See all 7 articles
Pay for Figma
Manage a team
Manage Figma in a school
Manage a Figma organization
- Guide to managing a Figma organization
- Guide to merging organizations
- Privacy and security in organizations
Login and authentication
- Set login and authentication method
- Guide to SAML SSO
- Authenticate with Google (Google SSO)
- SAML SSO with Okta
- SAML SSO with OneLogin
- See all 10 articles
Deploy Figma
- Deploy Figma on macOS
- Configure desktop app settings via a property list on macOS
- Configure desktop app settings via registry keys on Windows
- Deploy Figma via the macOS Enterprise installer
- Deploy Figma via Microsoft Enterprise installer
Manage members and guests
- Find users with Figma accounts outside your organization
- Members versus guests
- Add members or guests to an organization
- Manage domain capture for an organization
- View members and guests
- See all 13 articles
Manage teams in an organization
- Download a list of teams in a workspace or organization
- Manage teams in an organization
- Manage who can create a team in an organization
- Transfer a project or team to a different account
- Create a team in an organization
- See all 6 articles
Manage libraries and resources in an organization
Manage Enterprise plan settings and permissions
Manage billing groups
- What’s the difference between workspaces and billing groups?
- Launch billing groups in an organization
- Manage billing groups in an organization
Manage workspaces
- Launch workspaces in your organization
- Manage workspaces in an organization
- Change the visibility of a workspace in an organization
- Guide to workspaces
- Create a workspace
- See all 14 articles
Manage security features